Rental population
Rental population
This is information is brought to you by realestateinvestar.co.nz - The online home for property investors
House | Townhouses | Units | |
Median listing price | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - last quarter | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - 1 year | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - 2 years | NA | NA | NA |
House | Townhouses | Units | |
Median weekly rent | NA | NA | NA |
Median yield % | NA | NA | NA |
Median rent change - 1 year | NA | NA | NA |
House | Units | |
Average days on market | NA | NA |
245 Heywards Rd, Clarkville
Priced Sharply on the Golden Mile!
Have you been tirelessly searching for a property that offers a secluded and private setting, without compromising on location? Then you have found exactly what you are looking for here on the Golden Mile. This is a property and location that is going to look after you and your family well into ...
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Canterbury 7692
161 South Eyre Rd, Clarkville
Unique Property With Income Potential
Check out the Income potential that could be achieved from a cattery, second dwelling, grazing and $1000 per month, from a business, currently leasing a small part of the land. Interested.....ask us now!! Situated in one of North Canterbury's most sought after locations, this 4.4 hectare unique ...
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Canterbury 7692
183 Neeves Rd, Clarkville
Motivation Growing! Rural City Fringe!
2 dwellings on one title! 4 bed 2 bath property and self contained 1 bed 1 bath sleep out! With my vendors sights firmly set on their next property the time has come to move on and allow someone else to experience the exceptional blend of spacious comfort and rural charm this remarkable lifestyle ...
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Canterbury 7691
70 and 58 Mill Rd, Clarkville
Our vendors are clear - present all offers
Located on the fringes of Silverstream and Ohoka and poised between residential convenience and the charm of the country, this property's versatility is hard to find elsewhere. The homestead itself is a beautiful retreat with a stunning garden setting around an impeccably maintained ...
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Canterbury 7630