Rental population
Rental population
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House | Townhouses | Units | |
Median listing price | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - last quarter | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - 1 year | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - 2 years | NA | NA | NA |
House | Townhouses | Units | |
Median weekly rent | NA | NA | NA |
Median yield % | NA | NA | NA |
Median rent change - 1 year | NA | NA | NA |
House | Units | |
Average days on market | NA | NA |
Ohiti Rd, Crownthorpe
Large Scale Block, Close to Town
The block is a Maori Freehold Title and comprises 40.5874 hectares of land. Within the block there is approximately 11.4 hectares of grapes being a mixture of Syrah, Merlot and Cabernet. The residual land rises up a limestone face onto semi table top country with outstanding views and ...
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Hawkes Bay 4179
179 Ohiti Rd, Crownthorpe
Blank Canvas Close To Town
A newly created title comprising some 23.5 hectares more or less. Located on Ohiti Road, some 14 kilometres west of Hastings and Taradale. The block is mainly one continuous title with two small separate lots. One of these comprises 2.5 hectares of grapes whilst the other small lot comprises a ...
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Hawkes Bay 4179
811 Crownthorpe Settlement Rd, Crownthorpe
73 hectares with elevated building site
Located just 29 kilometres west of Hastings this 73.61 hectare, mainly easy contoured block is positioned in warm winter trading country with pine shelter belts. The property is subdivided into 24 main paddocks with a reticulated water system and spring fed dams, a high standard of fencing ...
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Hawkes Bay 4179
49 Matuku Rd, Crownthorpe
Luxury Home with Expansive Views
This striking home, just a 10-minute drive from Hastings and 15 minutes from Taradale is constructed from honed concrete block and plaster, sitting proudly in an elevated position with expansive rural and lake views. The exterior is both durable and stylish, complemented by the home's thoughtful ...
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Hawkes Bay 4172
1440 Crownthorpe Settlement Rd, Crownthorpe
23 hectare deer fenced lifestyle
This farmlet typically finishes 40 heifers annually providing a steady income with stunning views over the Heretaunga plains towards Cape Kidnappers and Te Mata Peak. Located an easy 35 kilometres west of Hastings in the popular Sherenden area this property offers an elevated 1970s three ...
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Hawkes Bay 4179