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Investment Property Tuki Tuki, Hawkes Bay

Suburb Snapshot

Tuki Tuki is a suburb in the Hastings Region of Hawkes Bay. Tuki Tuki has a population of 189 people and 31.17% of its occupants live in rental accommodation. The median listing price for houses is NA and this has changed NA over the past year and changed NA over 2 years.

The median rent in Tuki Tuki for houses is NA per week and the median rental yield is NA. Stock on the market for houses/townhouses has changed NA compared to last year and the average time to sell a house/townhouse is NA days.The median listing price for units is NA and this has changed NA over the past year. The average unit takes NA days to sell and the median rent for a unit in Tuki Tuki is NA per week, producing a rental yield of NA.

Supply & Demand in Tuki Tuki, Hastings




Rental population




Rental population

This is information is brought to you by - The online home for property investors

Statistical data for Tuki Tuki, Hastings

  House Townhouses Units
Median listing price NA NA NA
Median price change - last quarter NA NA NA
Median price change - 1 year NA NA NA
Median price change - 2 years NA NA NA
  House Townhouses Units
Median weekly rent NA NA NA
Median yield % NA NA NA
Median rent change - 1 year NA NA NA
  House Units
Average days on market NA NA

Tuki Tuki investment property listings

Showing 1 of 1 investment properties found in Tuki Tuki on

599 Waimarama Rd, Tuki Tuki


property pic

Scale, seclusion, serenity

This large parcel of land is set amongst some of the most desirable Lifestyle sections in Hawke's Bay. Covering over 23 hectares (more or less - subject to survey and title), there are multiple potential building platforms on offer. The new owner will be able to build at least one primary dwelling ...

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Hawkes Bay 4130

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