Rental population
Rental population
This is information is brought to you by realestateinvestar.co.nz - The online home for property investors
House | Townhouses | Units | |
Median listing price | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - last quarter | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - 1 year | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - 2 years | NA | NA | NA |
House | Townhouses | Units | |
Median weekly rent | NA | NA | NA |
Median yield % | NA | NA | NA |
Median rent change - 1 year | NA | NA | NA |
House | Units | |
Average days on market | NA | NA |
770 Koi Flat Rd, Pomahaka
Lifestyle property in West Otago
8.2833ha lifestyle property situated at Pomahaka. Older three bedroom home built 1910 - 1919 era. Open plan living, separate kitchen, large two car garage. Hut, haybarn/woolshed and older unused hen house. Subdivided into nine paddocks, post and wire fencing. If you are after a lifestyle, a few ...
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Otago 9771
29 Baker St, Stirling
Stirling - A place to live
Opportunity to own your first home or rental property. This solid home sits on 1,012m2 section. A good family home with plenty of space for a growing family and pets. The dining lounge area is a good size. Heated by a wood burner and a transfer heat system. Four bedrooms - two ...
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Otago 9231
29 Baker St, Stirling
Stirling - A place to live
Opportunity to own your first home or rental property. This solid home sits on 1,012m2 section. A good family home with plenty of space for a growing family and pets. The dining lounge area is a good size. Heated by a wood burner and a transfer heat system. Four bedrooms - two with a wardrobes. A ...
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Otago 9231
Lot 3 Taieri Beach Rd, Taieri Beach
Last one left
The ideal opportunity is here to purchase a bare land block approximately three kilometres from the seaside settlement of Taieri Beach. Ex forestry land, windrowed to provide great options. Build off-grid and develop your lifestyle dream with room to invest and plant the balance of your land back ...
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Otago 9091
11 Otuarae Dr, Taieri Beach
Elite Coastal Section
This is your chance to build your dream home on a premium coastal section with outstanding views of Moturata and the South coast on an elevated site that is North facing. Escape to your own coastal oasis to the quaint holiday and fishing village of Taieri Mouth, a 37km scenic drive south of ...
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Otago 9091