Rental population
Rental population
This is information is brought to you by realestateinvestar.co.nz - The online home for property investors
House | Townhouses | Units | |
Median listing price | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - last quarter | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - 1 year | NA | NA | NA |
Median price change - 2 years | NA | NA | NA |
House | Townhouses | Units | |
Median weekly rent | NA | NA | NA |
Median yield % | NA | NA | NA |
Median rent change - 1 year | NA | NA | NA |
House | Units | |
Average days on market | NA | NA |
198 Waiwera Station Rd, Waiwera South
Cosy Lifestyle with Rural Backdrop
Escape the hustle and bustle of the city life and immerse yourself in the picturesque countryside of Waiwera South. Upon this 4656sqm rural property sits a charming 30sqm tiny home. Cosy and comfortable living space, separate bathroom and the ability to sleep 4 people . Perfect for a single ...
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Otago 9584
1518 Clinton Hwy, Waiwera South
Strong Dairy Support Unit
- Comprising of 148 hectares that is used as a fertile dairy support unit located in the Waiwera South district of South Otago just 15kms from Balclutha. - As well as rearing young stock the land is mostly in pasture with 51 hectares in oats and barley for whole crop and baleage production to ...
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Otago 9584
1743 Clinton Hwy, Waiwera South
Opportunities in Waiwera South
The time has come for the vendor having leased his property for a number of years to make the hard decision and sell. This creates the opportunity for the next owner to purchase a good flat to rolling contoured property with some planted shelter belts, creating good farming options for ...
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Otago 9584